Friday, November 4, 2016

Hacking and Undersea Cables

Trump's good friend Putin may be up to something sinister. Its been reported that Russian Submarines have been creeping near the bottom of the ocean near the international internet fiber optic cables. It could lead to an attack on the US's Internet connection, but would probably lead to more damage worldwide as 7 of the 10 most popular websites worldwide are hosted in the US. Granted, the US also has a west coast, and I wouldn't be surprised if the US's internet traffic could be routed through Mexico and Canada. Its not worth it Vladimir, its simply not worth it.

Hacking is a whole other thing. TBT Christmas 2014, I couldn't play Xbox Live because Lizard Squad a ddos attack on Microsoft and Sony. Hacker's can really screw up a lot of thing. Although (depending on what side of the isle you're on), hackers can expose political corruption from internal governments.

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